November 8, 2024

Remember the Handwritten AriaCard?

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Handwritten Fundraising Cards Still Outperform Traditional Direct Mail

Sorting Through the Mail

There you stand at the kitchen counter. Sorting through the day’s mail. You have the
keepers, like the bills, and then the throwaways, like almost everything else.

There are always requests for funding from nonprofits. Certainly an appeal from a
politician. Maybe ads for gutter protectors or new windows.

But what’s this? It is taller than the other letters and narrower. It looks like a greeting
card or an invitation. It has been handwritten with a ballpoint pen and it has a First-
Class stamp on it. This piece of mail does not go into the “keepers” pile. It gets opened
right away.


That is the magic of handwritten direct mail. In three words: it gets opened. A lot of
fundraising letters do not.

History of the Handwitten AriaCard

Back in the mid-1980s a telemarketing company named Aria offered an alternative
means for its nonprofit customers to personally contact donors. The “AriaCard” was
born. These handwritten mailings cost more but when used judiciously they proved to
give nonprofits an excellent return on investment as well as improving the important
donor relationships.

Handwritten direct mail response rates were often double conventional mailings, and
sometimes more. Average gifts were also higher in most cases. Aria became known as
experts in handwritten mail. Other companies started to copy the AriaCard concept and
soon the term became synonymous with handwritten mail throughout the industry.
In 2020, QCSS acquired Aria and has carried on the tradition of the AriaCard.

Why Does the AriaCard Work?

Handwritten mail makes the recipient feel special. At some level they realize the piece
they receive is part of a large mailing, but they appreciate the effort put into treating
them in a special way.

Standing out amongst the other mail in the mailbox is a challenge. Some mailers go big
and glossy or try to make it look like their envelope has a check in it.

AriaCard mailings go smaller and more “high-touch.” A smudge or a fingerprint isn’t a
bad thing. The stamp might be a little crooked. People did this. People just like the

Short, personal message. While handwritten mail can be as long or as short as you
wish, the typical AriaCard message is direct and to the point. Treating recipients as
insiders who already know about the organization allows you to thank them for their
past support and ask their help for the current campaign. They do not need to be sold.
They just need to be asked.

List Segmentation For A Handwritten Mail Campaign

Since each piece costs a little more than traditional mail it makes sense to segment
your list to find people who will respond and respond generously.
A few guidelines:

  1. Choose people who have made two or more gifts in the past.
  2. Select people who have given at or above the average annual gift amount.
  3. Recipients don’t need to have given in the past year but should have made a gift
    within the past 24 months.

What Types of Fundraising Mailings Are Effective with Handwritten Mail?

Handwritten mail can be a very effective step in a renewal mailing plan. Handwritten
direct mail will improve response rates for lapsed donors, though those mailings will be
less cost-effective unless carefully segmented as noted above.

Sustainer programs can benefit from several types of handwritten appeals. A “thank you
and please consider upgrading” letter with customized ask amounts works well. Asking
people who frequently renew late or become lapsed to become sustainers as a service
to them can be effective. Most importantly, a heartfelt note to people who have ended
their sustaining gifts — intentionally or through neglect – bring some of those donors
back on board.

Or Just Say Thanks With Handwritten Thank You Cards

When it comes to stewardship, a short, handwritten thank-you note touches people in a
good way. Or send a thank-you note to people who have given for 3, 5, 10, or however
many years. They will be surprised to realize someone noticed their loyalty.
You can also send a note asking if they have any questions about your organization,
including your email address and phone number to make it easy to contact you.

Options for Handwritten Mailers

Most traditional direct mail marketing pieces are greeting card shaped, but some are
sent in conventional #10 (non-window) envelopes. Many are sent with First-Class
postage, but some are sent bulk rate. Some even have printed labels but a handwritten
note next to the label.

Some handwritten pieces have pre-printed body copy and a handwritten salutation, PS,
and signature. Some are all handwritten. There are as many options as your creativity

Research shows that younger generations have a higher level of trust in postal mail
than electronic communications. They also enjoy receiving mail from organizations they
are interested in. There is apparently still a desire to hold things in our hands.

AriaCards and QCSS

A few years ago, Aria became part of QCSS, further adding to the QCSS lineup of
marketing and fundraising tools and services. The many years of experience and the
stellar reputation of Aria’s handwritten direct mail is now available through QCSS.

Contact QCSS

For more information or to discuss how a handwritten mailing test can be conducted for
your nonprofit, please contact QCSS.